The exhibition is a collaboration between CoFutures (University of Oslo) and the Interkulturelt Museum (Oslo Museum). It is hosted by the Intercultural Museum and is funded by the Norwegian Research Council, European Research Council, Oslo Kommune and Sparebankstiftelsen DNB.
The organisation and oversight of the project, along with the management and selection of collaborators is in the hands of the curatorial team.

Bergsveinn Þórsson, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Sociology Department of Bifröst University. He is a Program Leader for the university’s program in Public Governance. Bergsveinn’s background is in Museum Studies where he has conducted research on Climate engagement in the cultural institutional context. Currently, Bergsveinn is working on future thinking, exploring how climate, demographic and technological changes impact the planning, promoting and presenting of futures in the cultural sector.

Anders Bettum works as Senior Curator at an arena of Oslo Museum known as the Intercultural Museum, located in one of the most diverse neighborhoods of downtown Oslo (Norway). He is the research coordinator of Oslo Museum and directs the National Museum Network of Minorities and Diversity. Bettum holds a PhD in Comparative Religion from the University of Oslo and has broad interests in the field of humanities, including ancient Egyptian funerary customs, post-colonial studies, migration history, participatory methodology, and lately, future studies. In addition to his position at the museum, Bettum holds a part-time position as Associate Professor at the University of Oslo, where he teaches museology and cultural history.

Annelise Rosemary Bothner-By is Senior Curator in Oslo Museum, Intercultural Museum.
Her education includes product design, interior architecture, cultural history studies and pedagogical practice. She was a fellow in artistic research in Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHIO) 2011- 2015 investigating modes of participation and representation in exhibition design.
Annelise Rosemary Bothner-By er førstekonservator NMF og senior kurator ved Oslo Museums avdeling, Interkulturelt Museum.
Utdannelsen hennes inkluderer interiørarkitekt, produktdesign, kulturhistorie og pedagogikk. Som stipendiat i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KHIO) 2011-2015 undersøkte hun deltagelse og representasjon i utstillingsdesign prosesser.

Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay is Associate Professor in Global Culture Studies at IKOS, University of Oslo, Norway. He leads CoFUTURES. He is also an Imaginary College Fellow at the Center for Science and the Imagination, Arizona State University. Chattopadhyay is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes, including the World Fantasy Award (2020). Chattopadhyay recently produced the award-winning film Kalpavigyan: A Speculative Journey, the first documentary on science fiction from India and Bengal.